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07886 127 817

Arambol Beach

Arambol Beach

One of the beautiful beaches of Goa, Arambol beach is located 55 km from Panaji. It is favoured by foreigners. Stretching for 2.5 km, the beach is divided into two – Arambol and Harmal. Harmal is more popular than Arambol. The Harmal beach is more scenic as compared to the Arambol beach due to its surrounding cliffs.

Compared to other beaches of Goa, Arambol is less commercialised. Activisim by locals have ensured there are no big hotels on the beach. The jungle valley, close to the beach, is another attraction. The valley is home to several species of wildlife. The pool in the valley is said to have therapeutic properties.

Visitor can also enjoy paragliding and other water sports at the beach. Dolphin spotting is a popular tourist activity. Local fishermen organise the dolphin spotting trips on country boats and they are much cheaper.